wtorek, 27 listopada 2012

Your body language shapes who you are

Link to the Ted's talk:
Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

The vocabulary:

* congenitally - from birth
E.g. Ann is congenitally blind.

* to bump into - to meet by chance, to run into someone or something 
E.g. She bumped into me last Saturday and we had a short conversation. 

* laid-back - having a casual character or atmosphere
E.g. My boss is really laid-back person. 

* to gamble - to take the risk in the hope of getting an advantage or a benefit

* to hunch - to take an incorrect posture when you sit or stand.
E.g. This child is hunching behind the table.

* fraud - someone who assumes a false pose
E.g. Thomas is a fraud. I don't know anyone who is such a cheater.

* tweak - to pinch, pluck or twist sharply
E.g. His son tweaked my daughter in an arm.

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