środa, 14 listopada 2012

Attitude, awareness, authenticity.

The Ted's talk:
Neil Pasricha: The 3 A's of awesome

The vocabulary:

- to take sth for granted - do not worry about something, do not think about it

Kate takes English classes for granted.

- popsicle - ice cream or water ice on a small wooden stick

Thomas asked his dad if he could buy the popsicle.

- dandelion - the well known flower with characteristic yellow flower heads

- needlepoint decorative needlework on canvas, usually in a diagonal stitch covering the entire surface of the material

My mother's hobby is needlepoint.

2 komentarze:

  1. Awesome! :) Interesting information but a little bit too long! Speak faster!! haha just joking ;) And nice new look Kinga :)

  2. I love the poster behind you :D and your new look of course :D
